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Send an existing self-hosted or Meta hosted document. Supported document formats:

  • TXT
  • PDF
  • PPT or PPTX
  • DOC or DOCX
  • XLS or XLSX
  • ODF or FODT
  • ODP or FODP
  • ODS or FODS


Send a Meta-hosted message and then send an externally hosted document to the phone number 12345678901.

import WhatsApp from 'whatsapp';

const senderNumber = 12345678901234567890;
const wa = new WhatsApp( senderNumber );

const meta_hosted_document =
"id" : "123456abcde",
"caption" : "My important document",
"filename" : "example.pdf"

const self_hosted_document =
"link" : new URL( "" ).href,
"caption" : "My important document",
"filename" : "example.pdf"

await wa.messages.document( meta_hosted_document, 12345678901 );
wa.messages.document( self_hosted_document, 12345678901 );


  1. body : DocumentMediaObject — the object describing the document to send.
  2. recipient : number — the recipient's phone number with country code.
  3. replyMessageId : string (optional) — the received WhatsApp message Id to reply back to.


Promise — Server response object on success.