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Requests a verification code to be sent to number configured in the current WhatsApp client instance. Phone numbers can be verified using a code sent via either SMS or voice call in a specified language.


Request a phone number verification code to be sent via SMS in the english language.


import WhatsApp from 'whatsapp';

const senderNumberId = 12345678901234567890;
const wa = new WhatsApp( senderNumberId );

const body : RequestCodeObject = {
"code_method" : WhatsApp.Enum.RequestCodeMethodsEnum.Sms,
"language" : WhatsApp.Enum.English

wa.phoneNumbers.requestCode( body );


import WhatsApp from 'whatsapp';

const senderNumberId = 12345678901234567890;
const wa = new WhatsApp( senderNumberId );

const body = {
"code_method" : "SMS",
"language" : "en"

wa.phoneNumbers.requestCode( body );


  1. body : RequestCodeObject — Object specifying the method to receive the verification code ("SMS" or "VOICE") and the language.


Promise — Server response object on success. A successful response body JSON will be of type PhoneNumbersResponseObject.