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Erlang Error Index

The Erlang Error Index is a website, inspired by the Rust Error Index and the Haskell Error Index.

In ELP, each diagnostic (error or warning) is associated to a unique code. This code can be looked up on the index to find explanations and examples.

The Erlang Error Index is powered by Markdown files, so you don’t need to be an expert to contribute. All sort of contributions to the Erlang Error Index are extremely welcome.


Error codes are grouped by using namespaces. Each namespace is associated to the tool that emits those error codes.

Are we missing a tool? Reserve a namespace by making a Pull Request!

Erlang CompilerC
Erlang EPP DodgerD
Erlang Pre-processorE
Erlang LinterL
Erlang EDocO
Erlang ParserP
Erlang ScannerS
WhatsApp ELPW

Ignoring Diagnostics

ELP provides a generic mechanism to ignore instances of an error code.

Given the error code X12345 you can ignore a diagnostic by prepending the offending line with a special annotation:

% elp:ignore X12345

It is possible to ignore multiple error codes at once:

% elp:ignore X12345 Y56789