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Syntax Highlighting

Syntax Highlighting

Semantic Syntax Highlighting

In addition to traditional syntax highlighting, ELP can highlight the code semantically. As an example, exported functions can be rendered differently from un-exported ones and deprecated functions are clearly marked via a strikethrough.

Semantic Higlighting - Bound VariablesSemantic Higlighting - Deprecated FunctionsSemantic Higlighting - Exported Functions

We currently support the following token modifiers:

Token ModifierSemantic Meaning
boundThe variable used in a pattern is already bound
exported_functionThe given function is exported
deprecated_functionThe given function is marked as deprecated

Go To Definition

Navigate to the definition of a given identifier. Currently supported for:

  • Modules
  • Functions
  • Records
  • Record fields
  • Types
  • Behaviours
  • Macros
  • Headers
  • Variables

Find References

Show/peek references to the item at the cursor location.

Find References

Currently supported for all items listed in the Go To Definition section.

Workspace Symbols

Quickly navigate to a symbol in the workspace.

Workspace Symbols

Currently supported for:

  • Modules


Collapse/expand sections of the code to focus on what matters.

Currently supported for:

  • Functions

Call Hierarchy

Navigate callers and callees for a given function.

Documentation on Hover

Extract and present EDoc information when hovering a function call.


Provide contextual auto-completion to ease writing code.

Currently supported for:

  • Module Attributes
  • Functions
  • Types
  • Keywords
  • Macros
  • Records
  • Record Fields
  • Variables

Signature Help

Get some guidance while invoking a local or remote function, by previewing argument specific documentation.

Focus on an element and its related info at a glance.

Inlay Hints

Currently supported for all items listed in the Go To Definition section.

Go To Documentation

Have convenient links to the official Erlang/OTP documentation while hovering a function call.


In addition to errors and warnings coming directly from the Erlang compiler, ELP provides a number of diagnostics implemented using ELP's own analysis or external tools.


Show warnings and errors from compiling Erlang EDoc pages for the current module.

Unsafe usage application environment

While it is technically possible to call application:get_env(Application, Key) from a module belonging to application A using the name of a different application B, this can sometimes represent a bad smell since it could lead to subtle bugs (e.g. application B not being included in the same release.

Cross-node Evaluation

Sometimes you want to prevent direct RPC calls to different nodes.

Dependent Header

Return a warning if a header file is not self-contained.

Deprecated Function

Similarly to XRef, show a warning if you are invoking a deprecated function.

Deprecated functions can either be specified using the -deprecated attribute or via code.

When deprecated functions are specified via code, extra information can be included, such as:

  • A severity
  • A descriptive message
  • A link to external documentation

Effect Free Statement

Return a diagnostic if a statement is just a literal or a variable.

Head Mismatch

Find mismatches between the clauses of a function declaration.

Missing warn_missing_spec compiler attribute

Return a warning if a the file does not contain a -compile(warn_missing_spec). or -compile(warn_missing_spec_all). compiler attribute.

Mispelled Attribute

Spot attributes with names similar to known attributes.

Module Mismatch

Return an error if the module name does not correspond to the filename.

Mutable Variable

Detect instances for the OTP mutable variable bug.

It works by looking for a chain of match expressions where the constituent elements are already bound. E.g.:

test() ->
Zero = 0,
One = 1,
Result = One = Zero,

Redundant Assignment

Check for redundant assignments before returning.

No-op Call

Warn if a function representing a no-op is invoked.

Trivial Match

Return a diagnostic if a match will trivially always succeed.

Unreachable Test Case

In a Common Test suite, tests are defined via a callback function: all/0. Tests can also be grouped together and groups definitions are provided via an additional callback function: groups/0.

A test case is deemed unreachable if:

  • A corresponding function with arity 1 exists
  • The function is exported
  • The function is not one of the Common Test callback functions
  • The function is not reachable via the all/0 and groups/0 functions

Unused Function Argument

Warn about arguments passed through functions but never used.

Unused Include

Warn about an -include statement from which nothing is used.

Unused Macro

Warn about macros defined in modules (not in header files), but never used.

Unused Record Fields

Warn about record fields which are never used.

Quick Fixes (Assists)

Add EDoc

Add a stub for EDoc documentation if not present.

Add Format tag

Add the % @format pragma to opt-in formatting.

Add Implementation

Given a -spec attribute, provide a stub for the actual function if not present.

Add Spec

Given a function, provide a stub for the -spec attribute for such a function.

Implement Behaviour Callbacks

Provide stubs for the un-implemented behaviour callbacks.


ELP contains built-in capabilities for analyzing and refactoring Erlang code.

Extract Function

Extract the selected expression(s) into a separate function and invoke it.

Inline Function

Reverse of Extract Function. Given a function, replace all invokations with the body of the function.

Create Function

Add a new function.

Delete Function

Remove the entire function.

Extract Variable

Ignore Variable

Prepend the variable name with a _ (underscore).

Inline Variable

Replace a variable with the RHS (right-hand-side) of a previous assignment.

Bump Variables

Given how variables are immutable in Erlang, it is sometimes common to see patterns such as:

handle_request(Request0) ->
Request1 = first_do(Request0),
Request2 = then_do(Request1),
Request3 = then_do(Request2),

This refactoring allows selecting one of the instances and bump all instances afterwars.

Flip Around Separator

Given two elements surrounding a separator, flip them. It can be used, for example, to flip the order of two function arguments around a comma.

Test Runner

Run/Debug Common Test test-cases or an entire test suite via convenient code lenses. Support Common Test groups.