L1318 - Expression Updates a Literal
-define(DEFAULT, #{a => 1}).
updated(Value) ->
?DEFAULT#{a => Value}.
%% ^^^^^^^^ warning: expression updates a literal
The warning occurs when a map or a record is updated using the following syntaxes:
> #{a => b}#{c => d}
#{c => d,a => b}
> rd(my_record, {a, b}). %% rd/2 allows you to define an Erlang record from a shell
> #my_record{a = 1}#my_record{a = 2}.
#my_record{a = 2,b = undefined}
While this is valid Erlang syntax, this behaviour is usually not intentional and the result of a missing comma in a list of elements. Consider, for example:
my_list() ->
[ #{a => 1} %% Missing comma here!
#{a => 2}
Which results in [#{a => 2}]
To fix the issue, just add the missing comma. If the update is intentional, a common (but ugly) workaround to silent the linter is to wrap the first map/record in a begin/end
which will avoid any additional runtime cost. As an example, you could rewrite the following:
-define(DEFAULT, #{a => 1}).
updated(Value) ->
?DEFAULT#{a => Value}.
-define(DEFAULT, #{a => 1}).
updated(Value) ->
begin ?DEFAULT end#{a => Value}.