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ELP can be used from the command line. Please ensure you read the install section to learn how to install it.

Verify elp is correctly installed


On Mac you may get a warning, saying "elp cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified". To solve this, go to Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> General and add an exception for elp. Alternatively, you can build the project from source (see below)

Open a terminal and run:

$ elp version

You should see something like:

elp 1.1.0+build-2024-01-18

If that's the case, you're ready to roll!

Getting Help

All elp commands are available through the help:

$ elp -h

Usage: [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--no-log-buffering] [COMMAND ...]

Available options:
--log-file <LOG_FILE>
-h, --help Prints help information

Available commands:
eqwalize Eqwalize specified module
eqwalize-all Eqwalize all opted-in modules in a project
eqwalize-app Eqwalize all opted-in modules in specified application
eqwalize-target Eqwalize all opted-in modules in specified buck target
lint Parse files in project and emit diagnostics, optionally apply fixes.
server Run lsp server
generate-completions Generate shell completions
parse-all Dump ast for all files in a project for specified rebar.config file
parse-elp Tree-sitter parse all files in a project for specified rebar.config file
build-info Generate build info file
version Print version
shell Starts an interactive ELP shell
eqwalize-stats Return statistics about code quality for eqWAlizer
explain Explain a diagnostic code
project-info Generate project info file
glean Glean indexer

elp server

Start a LSP server. The command does not return.

$ elp server

elp eqwalize

Run the eqWAlizer typechecker against an Erlang module.

$ elp eqwalize <module>

elp eqwalize-all

Run the eqWAlizer typechecker against all src modules in a project.

$ elp eqwalize-all