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Image Media Object

The object required for sending an image message. Can either be a self-hosted and publicly accessible image, or an existing Meta-hosted image in a supported format. Meta or self hosted options have different object requirements.

Meta Hosted Image

This image must already exist in PNG or JPG format.


"id" : "IMAGE_ID",
"caption" : "CAPTION"


  1. id : string — the image Id. This Id is returned in the response body when the image was first uploaded.
  2. caption : string (optional) — text to be displayed with the image to describe the image.

Self Hosted Image

The image must be readily accessible by public addresses and in PNG or JPG format.


"link" : new URL( "" ).href,
"caption" : "CAPTION"


  1. link : string — link to the publicly hosted image.
  2. caption : string (optional) — text to be displayed with the image to describe the image.