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SDK Configuration Type

This is the object that is used to configure each of the sub-classes of the SDK.


"wa_base_url" : "",
"m4d_app_id" : 12345,
"m4d_app_secret" : "example_app_secret_123",
"wa_phone_number_id" : 0987654321,
"wa_business_account_id" : 1234567890,
"cloud_api_version" : "v16",
"cloud_api_access_token" : "example_access_token_123",
"webhook_endpoint" : "webhook",
"webhook_verification_token" : "1234567890abcd",
"listener_port" : 3000,
"max_retries_after_wait" : 30,
"request_timeout" : 20000,
"debug" : true


  1. wa_base_url : string —
  2. m4d_app_id: number -
  3. m4d_app_secret : string -
  4. wa_phone_number_id : number -
  5. wa_business_account_id : number -
  6. cloud_api_version : string -
  7. cloud_api_access_token : string -
  8. webhook_endpoint : string -
  9. webhook_verification_token : string -
  10. listener_port : number -
  11. max_retries_after_wait : number -
  12. request_timeout : number -
  13. debug : boolean -