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Addresses Object

The object describing an address of a contact.


"street": "STREET",
"city": "CITY",
"state": "STATE",
"zip": "ZIP",
"country": "COUNTRY",
"country_code": "COUNTRY_CODE",
"type": "HOME"


  1. street : string (optional) — street address.
  2. city : string (optional) — city of the address.
  3. state : string (optional) — state or province.
  4. zip : string (optional) — zip code.
  5. country : string (optional) — country name.
  6. country_code : string (optional) — 2-letter ISO 3166 country code.
  7. type : "HOME", "WORK" or string (optional) — the type of address which can be standard types of HOME or WORK.